Unlocking Trading Metrics: Your Winning Scorecard


Trading metrics are like your compass in the world of finance, guiding you toward profitable decisions and risk management. In this guide, we’ll demystify these metrics, making them easy to grasp for traders at any level of expertise. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just beginning your journey, understanding these metrics is your key to success in the dynamic realm of trading.


Think of expectancy as your average score in a game. If your average score is positive, you’re winning; if it’s negative, you’re losing. In trading, it’s the average profit or loss you expect from each trade. A positive expectancy means your strategy is likely to make money over time.

Kelly’s Criterion:

Imagine you’re at a casino, and you want to bet on a game. Kelly’s Criterion helps you decide how much money to bet to maximize your long-term winnings. It’s like figuring out the right amount to put on the table without risking too much.

Maximum Drawdown:

This is like the deepest hole your account balance falls into. It tells you the biggest loss you’ve experienced from your highest point. Smaller holes are better because it means you’re not losing too much.

Average Win and Average Loss:

These are like looking at the typical rewards and penalties in a game. If you win, how much do you usually win? If you lose, how much do you usually lose? These numbers help you understand the size of your wins and losses.

Risk-Reward Ratio:

Think of this as deciding if the prize is worth the risk. For every 1rs. you risk, how much could you make? If it’s 2rs, you’re risking 1rs. to make 2rs. It helps you assess whether the potential reward justifies the risk.

Max. Profit and Max. Loss:

Max. Profit is like your highest score ever in a game. Max. Loss is like your worst score. These numbers tell you the best and worst outcomes you’ve had.

Win Streak and Loss Streak:

This is like counting how many times you win or lose in a row. If you win five times in a row, you have a win streak of 5. If you lose three times in a row, you have a loss streak of 3. It helps you see how often you’re winning or losing consecutively.

Win % and Loss %:

Win % is the percentage of times you win out of all your trades. Loss % is the percentage of times you lose. For example, if you win 6 out of 10 trades, your win % is 60%. It shows how often you’re successful in your trading.

These metrics provide important insights that can guide your decisions and improve your overall performance.

No-code algo trading platforms play a pivotal role in analyzing these trading metrics by simplifying and automating the process. Analyzing trading metrics using no-code algo platforms is remarkably straightforward.

After conducting backtests, these platforms automatically collect and organize data on the performance of your trading strategy. This data includes metrics such as profit and loss, win/loss ratios, maximum drawdown, and more.

QuantMan Algo Trading is a popular choice for both beginners and experienced traders who want to create, backtest, and automate their trading strategies. It is relatively easy to use and offers a variety of risk management features that can help traders to improve their performance.

Here are some of the benefits of using QuantMan Algo Trading:

  • It can help traders to save time and effort by automating their trading.
  • It can help traders reduce their risk by allowing them to backtest their strategies on historical data.
  • It can help traders improve their performance by providing them with all the important trading metrics that we have discussed above.
  • It is relatively easy to use, even for traders with no coding knowledge.

To learn more about Quantman, please click on this link: https://www.quantman.in/faq/